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Monday, September 21, 2009

All is well

I didn't forget to update. Without swimming there is less to write about.

Sierra has had some feeding/eating issues- mostly centering around how much she was eating. Her appetite appeared to drop, but part of me thinks she was fatiguing during mealtime and she was giving up. She is now back to eating 2/3 chicken backs during each meal. She has also accepted the kelp supplement again and this is being used to cover her pill supplements (E, C, B, Fish oil, CoQ10, garlic, lecithin and probios).

Swimming is over for the summer. We never got back into swimming after my vacation the end of August. The mornings were too cold and my afternoons are busy with work. She is losing some of the muscle mass she had built. I have noticed the changes in 3-4 weeks.

I need a better winter routine, but haven't put the time into writing it down yet. Sierra is still ambulatory and navigates the stairs with close supervision. She is doing well overall.

I have been thinking of doing some consulting for other families with DM dogs to help with household safety and comfort for the dog and caregivers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coming fall

The weather is quickly changing and swimming is coming to an end. I am hoping the cooler weather is easier on Sierra. She has not gotten back to eating 100% as she was before the antibiotics, but she is doing better and starting to eat her pills again. I have to come up with an alternate plan to swimming for the fall/winter. I plan on taking her for accupuncture, walking with weights and I guess I should get back to my home exercises. She is doing pretty good and I don't want to lose ground. I had a vacation and need to get back into a DM routine.