Tell others about Sierra


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sierra went swimming on Thursday and the family seemed to love her. She wanted to play with their dog, but I was worried about the exertion of playing and swimming. Wise, as she was very fatigued after swimming. She swam about three circles in each direction around me before we got out of the pool. I was very thankful to have her lifevest on as it helped me direct her. Her plan as to swim in and back to the steps to get out. I am working on teaching her some words to association with swimming, so she will understand the process and feel less stressed. She was pretty tired after her short swim. She will go back on Monday (tomorrow). After swimming she had some trouble getting up/down the outside steps. She also threw up her dinner at 11pm that night. I am not sure if the vomiting was from drinking some pool water or from being fatigued. Luckily, she'll now swim in the morning and get fed in the evening, so hopefully no more vomiting. I need to get a battery for my stopwatch so I can measure her initial endurance and build her up from there. We're just going to do two days per week to start.

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